I create a lot of things for my business.
So many different things, from courses to programs to products, there's a variety of stuff that I've created over the years!
But not everything worked out in terms of revenue or returns. Some did, some didn't. And that's not easy to take in, especially when you've put in a lot of effort to create it.
There was a time when I used to get really upset, worry about why no one's joining or buying. I would put all my energy into promoting it, getting bitter when it didn't work.. Try even harder though I was feeling like crap.. And then feel worse when nothing changed.
It was a messy thing to deal with.. I used to call them launch blues. Now, I'm smiling thinking how stupid and silly that was.
What I was doing had the opposite effect. I was operating from such a negative state, that I was only attracting more of it and repelling those who might have actually joined.
Lol, not repelling physically 😅.. But you see, my energy was repelling them.
Yes, this is business related but also connected with Spirituality, especially Energetics😉
Here's how energy works, in a super simplified short version.
Imagine a vacuum cleaner that's fitted with a brush attachment that only sucks dust. But you're trying to use it to suck in something that's spilled.. Like a liquid.
Now, unless you change the attachment, you won't be able to clean up the liquid.
Same way, when you're in a certain energy, you'll attract things at that level only. Everything else gets repelled.
Unless you change your energy and raise your vibration to what you really want to attract, you won't be able to.
In my case, I was bitter, feeling negative and getting worse. Though I did not feel like promoting then, I thought “As a business owner, I can't stop. I have to keep going. That's what a good business owner would do”... And pushed myself to do so even though I felt like crap.
The Result - I attracted more of what I was putting out. More negativity. More emotions getting triggered. No positive results. And even if there was a sale, I did not appreciate it - but kept pushing.
This happened quite a few times until I realized, I was missing something. I was doing something wrong. This led to my search for the missing key, which led me to Spirituality and well… everything changed. (a story for another time 😬)
And now, 3 years later… Being a really creative person, I've created a bunch of different products! But not Everything has been a raging success. Financially.
Though that wasn't my motive. I'm sharing how it's generally perceived by most folks. Revenue is an indicator of success for most (me too, until a few years earlier btw)!
However, it doesn't affect me much. Much being a key word here - I'm human too 😬 but even if it does affect me, I get over it a lot faster.
And the reason is - I create from a place of joy, not with the intent to make revenue. For I know that the energy of creation matters.
And when I've created with joy, I'm mostly doing it for myself. I enjoy the process, I love the feeling of success I get from creating it. Not from selling it.
And therein lies the first difference. Falling in love with the process of creation and not just creating for the sake of creation.
Another important thing you need to know about energy is that every creation has its own energy. The energy of the idea, the energy of the creator, the energy of the seller and the energy of the consumer… And whoever else comes in between.
And me doing the first part of creating with love and joy, ensures that the power of creation is high and it can be felt.
When I sell it, if I allow myself to feel bad in case no one buys or uses it, I'm affecting my creation as well as repelling people.
Here's where the second difference lies - Knowing that this creation of mine will reach whoever it is meant to. Just because it isn't happening when I want it to, doesn't mean it never would. Revenue cannot be the only factor here that matters.
And when I allow myself to let it go and not allow my worth or the creation's worth be determined by how much revenue it made in a small duration of time..
There's peace. There's expansiveness.
There's a knowing that it'll reach who it's meant to.
That can be today, tomorrow or over the next 10 years. Who's to say?
Acting from that state of expansiveness, only raises my energy and brings in more of the same energy.
This shift allows me to create whatever beautiful idea is gifted to me, let it out into the world to create its impact..
And move on to the next new idea that is ready to be created.
And onwards I go.
So if you are a fellow creator, and that can be anything btw, I ask you to reflect -
What energy are you creating from?
From what state of mind are you creating - Joy? Pressure? Lack? Abundance? Love?
What energy are you selling from (if you do)?
What needs to change in your energy?
This may unlock anything inside of you, or if may not. But at the least, I hope you found a different perspective!
P. S - Inside my spiritual membership for women, Eunoia, the theme for April is creativity. Unlocking creativity through Energetics and creating a flow of creative ideas 💕 But other than this, there's a lot more about Energy, Spirituality, Human design, Healing Modalities etc. inside Eunoia as well.
If you feel called to Eunoia, check it out - you're welcome to join us✨