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hey there!

I’m Reshma Bangarimath, a Learner, Coach & Guide. I love learning & sharing what I learn though content, programs, courses, coaching etc.

My mantra is “Learn, Teach, Repeat” and that extends to whatever is calling me!

And that could be anything from Spirituality to the Subconscious Mind, Energetics to Human Design, Course curation to Energy management .. and everything in between & beyond!

About Me

I started out as a Communication Coach wanting to make it big and be The Communication Coach.

And at a point, I got there. Batches filled out, all of my content being well received, things were going great. When I decided to scale & started recording my content to scale, I was still looking forward to building a huge and successful business.

When I was just about to focus on scaling, I lost all interest and drive. I still plodded thinking it was a short lived thing. But with time, I started losing all interest in creating a 'successful business' the way it's made out to be on social media.

I pivoted without realizing it, into a more holistic space. Realized there was so much flow, creativity and love there.. importantly, Effortless.

Whereas Communication coaching became tiresome. More and more difficult until I realized I no longer wanted to do it the way I used to.

With time...
I dropped wanting to generate revenue and just focus on sharing and helping.
I dropped my old way of running a business.
The need to be a certain way.
The need to show up a certain way.

And now, I'm happy where I am. I love creating new stuff, I truly enjoy it and do it with so much love and joy.

I help coz I want to, and not to build a successful business. I charge coz I want to keep learning and sharing and helping more. I create for the joy of creating.
It's been an interesting journey getting here.

From visiting the Van Gogh immersive exhibit recently, this line stuck with me - "I'm striving, I'm seeking, I'm in it with all my life."

That's how I feel about what I do.
I'm in it with all my life. And it's a lifetime's work.

With that said, this page and everything I do is a move from running a business to creating my life's work. Slowly and steadily. My way.

I'll rephrase Van Gogh's line to - "I'm in it for a lifetime, with all my life, my love, my soul and Creativity."

I'm in it with all my life indeed.

And whatever you see, read, watch, learn, consume is a part of my life's work ❤️ I leave a part of me in everything I do. And I hope you enjoy my work 💕

Hear from people whom I've worked with!

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